Fall Mantel Styling

Just as we buy new clothes for fall, your mantel deserves a fall makeover as well. Whether you are the person who goes all out and buries the top of the mantel with every fall plant and color you can find or only use a few simple candles and garland, these tips are bound to assist anyone on Autumn decorating!

Color Scheme

When it comes to decorating your mantel for the fall season, it is especially important to pick out the right color scheme. Whether you are using candles, pumpkins, or leaves, you have plenty of choices to pick from. You can aim for a light, airy monochromatic vibe using light blues and softer shades of the same color. You could go the traditional route with oranges, reds, yellows and browns, or keep it simple and elegant through neutral colors with everything similar across the board!



As you walk into a room, the first visual to catch your eye is the anchor or focal point of the area. An anchor serves as an object or element to attract your attention to first, such as a large elegant mirror, a family photo, or a brighter colored picture hung up next to white pictures and accessories. The eye catching object does not have to be hanging or sitting dead center, think rule of thirds!  



I feel as if this section is a little self explanatory. I absolutely love decorating any part of the house with plants, whether artificial or real. On a mantel, the easiest part is using fall colored garland to help fill in those empty gaps there may be. If garland isn’t your forte, placing small potted plants among the decorations will make any mantel, especially fall mantel, feel cozy and right at home.



Just as we discussed in a previous blog, height becomes an important element in executing a perfect design balance. Without proper balance, a room can make you feel a little uncomfortable and anxious. If you have a mixture of small candles and tall candles on one side of the mantle, be sure to use a larger object on the opposite side to help balance out the plane and give off a striking design to walk into.


Shape Mixing

If you have ever walked into a room and every object and picture frame are the exact same shape, you might feel a little uneasy. This may be one element that a lot people tend to overlook. If you happen to have a square shaped picture frame hanging up over your mantle, it could be wise to put up a circular mirror on the wall as well and have a healthy variety of square and circular candles and paperweights.


The key tip that I can leave you with when it comes to decorating mantels for fall, is longevity. It is important and budget friendly to use fall colors and pick pieces such as pumpkins, candles, and garland to help ease the transition from fall through halloween and Thanksgiving! Do you need more help? You're in luck! We have had a lot of people reach out about if we would offer a class on mantel styling and we have granted your wishes! Our inaugural Christmas Mantel Styling Class will be on November 15th at Blooms Boutique! Click here to sign up!

Idea Source is a full-service interior design company that specializes in collaborating with you to create beautiful spaces. We believe that the spaces in commercial buildings and residential homes have the ability to tell a story, represent an identity and cultivate personal and professional relationships. From the spark of an idea to the finishing touches on a project, we’re your source for all things interior design.